Jean Stubley Social Secretary 01452 300878 social@adenveterans-glos.co.uk
​​WEDNESDAY 5TH March First Wednesday Lunch. The Star, Whiteshill. Stroud, GL6 6AE at 12 for 12.30pm.
Note from Jean: Currently there are only 12 who have given their menu choices. Please ask anyone interested in going, to let me know.
WEDNESDAY 2nd April Branch Meeting at Toby Carvery, Brockworth at 11.00 hours.
WEDNESDAY 23rd April St George’s Day Service at St Barnabas Church, Stroud Road, Gloucester 18.30 for 1900hrs.
Sunday April 27th ANZAC Day at Leighterton 14.30 for 1500hrs.
WEDNESDAY 7th MAY First Wednesday lunch. Duke of York Inn, Tewkesbury Road, Berrow, WR13 6JQ. Telephone: 01684 833449. Visit https://www.dukeofyorkberrow.co.uk/menu/
The cost is:
1. Starter and Main or Main & Pudding (Pudds to choose on the day) £20 pp
2. 3 courses £25 pp
3. For starter & pudding only - priced as per the menu.
THURSDAY 8th May 80th Anniversary of VE Day Cheltenham Long Garden at 11.00hrs.
WEDNESDAY 4th JUNE First Wednesday Lunch venue TBC.
FRIDAY 6th June Anniversary of D Day, Cheltenham Long Garden at 11.00hrs.
WEDNESDAY 11TH June Earthcott Green Memorial Service 11.00hrs​
FRIDAY 20th to MONDAY 23rd JUNE AVA West Dorset Branch Event at
Weymouth. Booking Form instructions, Consolidated booking form, Menu, Rembrant T&Cs
SATURDAY 28TH JUNE National Armed Forces Day in Gloucester and at the Jet Age museum Staverton.
WEDNESDAY 2nd JULY AVA Gloucestershire Branch AGM 11.00 hours at the Toby Carvery, Briockworth.
WEDNESDAY 6TH AUGUST First Wednesday Lunch venue TBC
FRIDAY 15th August 80th Anniversay of VJ Day Cheltenham Long Garden at 11.00hrs.
WEDNESDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER First Wednesday Lunch venue TBC.
FRIDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER AVA National AGM and Reunion at Blackpool. Full details in the March edition of the Dhow Journal.
MONDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER Battle of Britian Day Cheltenham Long Garden 10.30 for 11.00hrs.
Wednesday 1st October Branch meeting at the Toby Carvery at 11.00hrs Speaker Rod Harrison RAF pilot.
THURSDAY 30TH OCTOBER Dedication of the Field of Remembrance at Cheltenham Long Garden 10.45 for 11.00hrs
SUNDAY 9th NOVEMBER Remembrance Day. Parade at Cheltenham Long Garden at 10.30hrs
TUESDAY 11th NOVEMBER Armistice Day Cheltenham Long Garden. 10.50 for 11.00hrs.
SATURDAY 29TH NOVEMBER 58th Anniversary of the Withdraw of British
Troops from Aden Service at Cheltenham Long Garden 11.00hrs.
WEDNESDAY 3RD DECEMBER proposed date for AVA Glos Christmas Dinner.